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News & Articles

Protect Your Finances While Traveling

Traveling offers us all the opportunity to unplug from daily routines, and according to an annual summer travel survey, roughly half the country intends to shell out on airfare and hotel accommodations this season. If you’re making plans, it’s important to protect your finances to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience. Here are our suggestions.Notify Your Financial Institution and Credit Card ProvidersNo one likes the buzzkill of being in a [...]

Understanding Money Market Funds

A money market fund, not to be confused with a money market account, is a type of mutual fund that invests in instruments like cash equivalents and short-term debt-based securities, which can also include U.S. Treasury Bonds.1 Safety First These funds are designed to be easily accessible and are often considered cash equivalents. Their primary role in a portfolio is to preserve capital while maintaining liquidity. Financial professionals use [...]

Catch-Up Contributions

A recent survey found that 18% of workers are very confident about having enough money to live comfortably through their retirement years. At the same time, 36% are not confident.1 In 2001 congress passed a law that can help older workers make up for lost time. But few may understand how this generous offer can add up over time.2 The “catch-up” provision allows workers who are over age 50 [...]