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News & Articles

Diversification, Patience, and Consistency

Regardless of how the markets may perform, consider making the following part of your investment philosophy: Diversification. The saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” has some application to investing. Over time, certain asset classes may perform better than others. If your assets are mostly held in one kind of investment, you could find yourself under a bit of pressure if that asset class experiences some volatility. [...]

Deciding When to Take Social Security

One of the most common questions people ask about Social Security is when they should start taking benefits. Making the right decision for you can have a meaningful impact on your financial income in retirement. Before considering how personal circumstances and objectives may play into your decision, it may be helpful to preface that discussion with an illustration of how benefits may differ based upon the age at which [...]

A Decision Not Made Is Still a Decision

Whether through inertia or trepidation, investors who put off important investment decisions might consider the admonition offered by motivational speaker Brian Tracy, "Almost any decision is better than no decision at all." This investment inaction is played out in many ways, often silently, invisibly, and with potential consequences to an individual’s future financial security. Let's review some of the forms this takes. Your 401(k) Plan One of the worst [...]